Tag: earplugs

a set of yellow earplugs with a blue cord

What Are Some Comfortable Earplugs for Musicians?

April 16, 2021

It’s no secret that sound can be very damaging to your ears. While these organs have evolved to deal with noise, exposing them to too much at high volumes can cause long-term hearing loss. Musicians have long had to face this issue, with their time on stage presenting a real risk to the future of […]

standard foam earplugs

What are the Best Earplugs for Hearing Protection?

December 21, 2020

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders (NIDCD), 15% of adults in the US experience hearing loss to some degree. That’s almost 40 million people.  There are many reasons for hearing loss, from medical conditions, physical damage to the ears or repeated exposure to loud noises at work or at home.  […]