Your hearing is precious. Once it is gone, you can’t get it back. Safeguard your hearing with hearing protection from Hear Again America. We take the same care in fitting custom hearing protection as we do in fitting hearing aids.
Whether you need protection for sports, hobbies, work or just a little help getting a better night’s sleep, turn to Hear Again America. Custom hearing protection solutions are comfortable to wear and provide the highest levels of protection.
Earmolds and earplugs
Earmolds and earplugs can be custom made for a fit that’s comfortable for hours of wear. Earmolds are worn in the bowl of the ear. They can be solid or soft and spongy. Earplugs are worn in the ear canal. Some are solid, and others are soft. Both custom earmolds and earplugs are formed from a casting of your ear.
Custom fitting process
Come into Hear Again America and discuss your hearing protection needs with our caring staff. We’ll match the available technology with your needs to recommend a solution that protects your hearing and is so comfortable; you will want to wear it. A mold is cast of your outer ear bowl or ear canal, similar to the hearing aid fitting process. The molds are then shipped to a laboratory where the protector will be manufactured to the exact shape of your ear. Not only does this make the device more comfortable to wear, but it also helps it stay in place when you talk, chew or eat.
Musician earplugs and monitors
Musicians and music teachers have unique hearing protection needs. Every practice and every performance can damage hearing. But traditional earplugs and molds don’t allow you to hear instruments clearly and voices may be occluded.
Earplugs for musicians reduce decibel exposure without distorting the sound. You hear naturally and at safe levels. In-ear monitors allow you to hear sounds as the audience hears them, but without harmful amplification.
Types of hearing protection
Hear Again America has numerous styles of hearing protection with a wide variety of features.

Like musicians, hunters have unique hearing protection needs. It’s important to hear background noise from game or fellow hunters but protect against the sound of firearms. Hunting hearing protection uses a filter that instantaneously closes when dangerous noise levels are reached. Otherwise, you always hear normally.

Musicians, concertgoers and nightclub waiters and bartenders need to dial back the decibels while still hearing sound clearly and accurately. Music hearing protection reduces the decibel level without distortion. Three decibel reduction options available: 9dB, 15dB or 25dB.

Constant exposure to water can lead to chronic ear infections that damage hearing. Traditional earplugs may not seal tightly and allow water into the canal. Swimmer’s earplugs seal tightly and stay in place even when diving.

Shift workers and frequent travelers often find noise prevents them from sleeping restfully. Custom sleep ear protection fits deep in the ear canal. This low-profile design is comfortable for even side sleepers.

The sound of gasoline engines may get your adrenaline pumping, but it is damaging to the ears. In addition, wind noise while riding on the highway can easily reach 103 decibels. Not all hearing protection fits comfortably under your helmet or allows you to still hear sirens and other sounds. Custom motorsport protection protects against motor noise and wind buffeting whether you are on the road or the trails.

Surfers need protection against the wind, waves and water. A special membrane keeps water out but allows sound in, so you hear conversation and other sounds around you. Dry ears are not as prone to a middle ear infection as ears that are regularly exposed to water.

About 22 million American workers are exposed to dangerous levels of noise at work each year. The limit for occupational noise exposure is 85 decibels averaged over 8 hours. Occupational hearing protection meets OSHA and NIOSH requirements to keep you in compliance.

Upgrade your stock earbud with iCustom earpieces and upgrade your listening experience. These fit securely over most earbuds to reduce external noise, so you listen at a lower volume. The custom-fit keeps them in place even if you are running, walking or just circuit training at the gym.

DefendEar 1:
This hearing protection is made specifically for shooting sports. Digital circuitry amplifies ambient noise and suppresses the sound of gunfire. Protect your hearing in any shooting environment.

DefendEar 2:
Shooters protection in 3 modes: game, clay and tactical. The auto-save function remembers your personal settings. Reduce the impact of sound from gunfire while maintaining situational awareness.

DefendEar Hunter:
Made for hunting in open fields and blinds. Wind suppression mode reduces wind noise for improved concentration and normal mode to amplify game sounds. This hunting hearing protection is designed for use with larger caliber firearms.