Ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, is a condition that around 15% of Americans will experience throughout their lifetime. Tinnitus can get very annoying, very fast and can also lead to a number of side effects that are less than desirable. As such, people who experience ringing in their ears may wish to seek out an option in which they can stop the ringing in the ears. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the ways that hearing aids can stop ringing in the ears. Keep reading to find out more.
Noise Canceling Technology
One of the things that modern hearing aids have is noise masking and noise canceling technology. Hearing aids can mask the sounds of tinnitus, enabling you to be able to concentrate on external sounds. If you have hearing loss and tinnitus, then it is certainly worth giving hearing aids a try.
The masking effect is a noteworthy addition that has come along in recent years. Instead of having to listen to ringing in your ears, the hearing aid emits a constant hum at a certain pitch that will help to cancel out the ringing.
Auditory Stimulation
You also have the option to adjust the sensitivity, and if you don’t know how to do this then we recommend that you speak to your hearing health professional. They will be able to show you how to do this as necessary, making your life that little bit easier. The extra auditory stimulation will be amplified by the hearing aids, which will increase the brain’s auditory stimulation. The more that the brain’s auditory pathways are stimulated with soft sounds, the more of a distraction that it can provide.
Essentially, your brain will manage the noises that are bothering you, as the pathways of the brain are distracted. The softer the sound, the better results you are likely to see.
Improved Communication
If the ringing in your ears is extremely loud, then it can become a bother to try and talk to people on the phone, or do things such as listen to the radio or following a conversation. When you use hearing aids though, they can improve your hearing and your focus, meaning that the quality of your engagement with others is also enhanced. The more hearing loss that you experience, the louder the ringing is likely to be.
Hearing aids improve one part of this problem, and in turn improve the other. You will hopefully notice a marked improvement sooner rather than later when you choose hearing aids.
Placebo Effect
In some cases, hearing aids can even cause a placebo effect. If you think that the hearing aids are going to help, they are far more likely to actually help. As such, you experience a reduced level of ringing in the ears. This combined with the masking feature and other helpful features of a hearing aid will make for a far easier time dealing with the constant ringing.
Understanding the Limitations
There is no way to completely stop ringing in the ears. It is not something that has been worked out yet, but hearing aids do provide some relief to some people. However, it’s also important to note that not everyone will benefit from using hearing aids. It depends on a number of things such as your level of hearing loss, how sensitive you are to sounds and so many more. We recommend that you talk to your hearing health professional to go through all of your options, and look at what can be done to help you.
Having said that, it is common to experience ringing in your ears even when you don’t have hearing loss. It can be caused by an ear infection that is rather persistent, as well as things like an earwax build up. Make sure that it’s not any of these things causing the ringing in your ears before you purchase hearing aids as they may not be entirely necessary.
Everyone’s experience is going to be slightly different from the next, so make sure that you manage your expectations before you get your hearing aids.
If you are interested in finding out more about how hearing aids can stop the ringing in your ears, then get in touch with us at Hear Again America today by calling us today at (877) 905-9493. A friendly member of our team will be more than happy to assist you with whatever it is that you need. We look forward to hearing from you.